普世社会科学研究网 >> 宗教与国际事务
发布时间: 2021/1/3日    【字体:
关键词:  英国女王 伊丽莎白二世 圣诞致辞  


Every year we herald the coming of Christmas by turning on the lights. And light does more than create a festive mood—light brings hope.
For Christians, Jesus is ‘the light of the world’, but we can’t celebrate his birth today in quite the usual way. People of all faiths have been unable to gather as they would wish for their festivals, such as Passover, Easter, Eid, and Vaisakhi. But we need life to go on. Last month, fireworks lit up the sky around Windsor, as Hindus, Sikhs and Jains celebrated Diwali, the festival of lights, providing joyous moments of hope and unity—despite social distancing.
Remarkably, a year that has necessarily kept people apart has, in many ways, brought us closer. Across the Commonwealth, my family and I have been inspired by stories of people volunteering in their communities, helping those in need.
In the United Kingdom and around the world, people have risen magnificently to the challenges of the year, and I am so proud and moved by this quiet, indomitable spirit. To our young people in particular I say thank you for the part you have played.
This year, we celebrated International Nurses’ Day, on the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale. As with other nursing pioneers like Mary Seacole, Florence Nightingale shone a lamp of hope across the world. Today, our front-line services still shine that lamp for us - supported by the amazing achievements of modern science - and we owe them a debt of gratitude. We continue to be inspired by the kindness of strangers and draw comfort that - even on the darkest nights - there is hope in the new dawn.
今年,在南丁格尔诞辰200周年之际,我们庆祝了国际护士节。南丁格尔和 Mary Seacole等其他护理先驱一道,为世人点亮了希望之灯。今天,在现代科学成就的帮助下,我们的一线工作者依然在为我们点亮这盏希望之灯,因此,我们理应向他们献上感谢。我们不断受到陌生人的善意的鼓舞,并从中得到慰藉:即使在黑夜最深处,我们也应对新黎明抱有希望。
Jesus touched on this with the parable of the Good Samaritan. The man who is robbed and left at the roadside is saved by someone who did not share his religion or culture. This wonderful story of kindness is still as relevant today.  Good Samaritans have emerged across society showing care and respect for all, regardless of gender, race or background, reminding us that each one of us is special and equal in the eyes of God.
耶稣在好撒玛利亚人(Good Samaritan)的寓言中提到了这一点(注:陌生人的善意)。一位拥有不同信仰或文化背景的人,搭救了一名遭抢劫并被遗弃路边的人。这个关于善良的精彩故事在今天仍有重要意义。社会上不断涌现出好撒玛利亚人,他们关心和尊重所有人,不分性别、种族或背景,并提醒我们每个人在上帝眼中都是独特而平等的。
The teachings of Christ have served as my inner light, as has the sense of purpose we can find in coming together to worship.
In November, we commemorated another hero–though nobody knows his name. The Tomb of the Unknown Warrior isn’t a large memorial, but everyone entering Westminster Abbey has to walk around his resting place, honouring this unnamed combatant of the First World War—a symbol of selfless duty and ultimate sacrifice. The Unknown Warrior was not exceptional.  That’s the point. He represents millions like him who throughout our history have put the lives of others above their own, and will be doing so today.  For me, this is a source of enduring hope in difficult and unpredictable times.
Of course, for many, this time of year will be tinged with sadness: some mourning the loss of those dear to them, and others missing friends and family-members distanced for safety, when all they’d really want for Christmas is a simple hug or a squeeze of the hand. If you are among them, you are not alone, and let me assure you of my thoughts and prayers.  
The Bible tells how a star appeared in the sky, its light guiding the shepherds and wise men to the scene of Jesus’s birth. Let the light of Christmas — the spirit of selflessness, love and above all hope — guide us in the times ahead.
It is in that spirit that I wish you a very happy Christmas.
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